Thursday, September 23, 2010

Best Wedding Invitaion CONTEST!!


Facebook much!?!?
I do!! ;)

I have created an account through Facebook for my company {Classic Elegance Invitations} and I do my best to keep it very up to date! I post blog updates and new products... Fun, fun, FUN! So, the point of this contest is to give a nice discount to an awesome client and get my name out there while doing it!


I have posted an album for the contest! In that album will be 5 client invites! Who ever has the most ‘likes’ under their invite photo.. WINS! Best way to get the most votes {likes} is to tag you friends on your photo and have them join the Classic Elegance Page and then vote {like} your invite!!! Easy... Hard.. ?!? We’ll see!!


40% off your Stationery order! That can be anything! Thank you cards, place cards, menu cards, programs, seating cards, etc etc.

What are you waiting for!?! Check it out!!!!

Here are the contestants!! :)

Marjorie & Kyle

Melissa & David

Daisy & Edi

Caitlin & Aidan

Andrea & Chris

GOOD LUCK EVERYONE! and start facebooking! ;)

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